Texas Tribune published an article on Thursday, September 11, 2014 that was written by Jay Root titled, “Workplace Deaths Decline, But Still Fares Worst.” This article primarily stresses the concerns of workplace fatalities in Texas. Jay Root says, “According to preliminary government data, Texas saw a decline in the number of people killed on the job in 2013, but the state still leads the nation in workplace fatalities.” The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics reported an 8 percent decline in workplace fatalities in Texas from 2012 to 2013. In 2013, there were 493 fatal work injuries in Texas, compared with 536 in 2012. Jay Root also states, “Transportation accidents, accounting for 213 deaths, caused the most workplace fatalities in Texas, followed by contact with objects and equipment, 76; falls, slips and trips, 73; violence by persons or animals, 66; fires and explosions, 32; and exposure to harmful substances or environments, 31.” What I read in this article is disturbing because I believe that at the end of the day, the goals are simple, “safety and security.”
I recommend that Texas residents
read this article because it informs residents of Texas that workplace fatalities are a major concern in the state of
Texas. Texas workers compensation laws do not make it mandatory for all
employers to carry occupational injury insurance coverage, so people and their
families have no occupational benefits when they get injured and/or killed at
work. I believe more focus needs to go into making it mandatory for all
employers in the state of Texas to carry occupational injury insurance coverage
based on it being the leading state in the nation in workplace fatalities.
I find this article relevant because everyone works and may need the
security of workers compensation. No one should have to suffer loss of wages
due to a work related incident.