Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A fellow classmate’s blog posted on November 3, 2014 caught my immediate attention. In her Blog “Pulling Out” Ms. Karis states that Texas government should mind their own business and “STOP” pressuring women against the option of having an abortion. As a woman I strongly agree with Ms. Karis that Texas Government should not interfere with women’s choices on the issue of abortion or make it difficult for a women to have access to an abortion clinic; all women should have the freedom to decide what is good for them and their body. According to a statement made by President Barack Obama, “A woman’s ability to decide how many children to have and when, without interference from the Texas Government, is one of the most fundamental rights we possess. It is not just an issue on choice, but equality and opportunity for all women.” This all leads to women’s rights and women’s choices! Rather a man or a woman we are all entitled to have the choice to choose what is right for our body, not Legislature!

Ms. Karis makes a strong point by addressing the issue of the many children who are placed in foster care because their families either don’t want them or can’t afford to care for them. I believe the option of an abortion are normally considered and/or chosen by women is because they are  too young to care for a child, are in an abusive relationship, pregnancy is conceived through rape, are financially unstable, or wrong timing for a child at the time of conception. If Texas government continues to push the issue of abortion or make it difficult for women to get the help they need then this will lead to problems such as child abandonment, child abuse, unsafe abortion alternatives, or even lead to the extreme of a mother murdering her own child. The recent abortion law that has been proposed in Texas is making it hard for women to seek help. Ms. Karis goes on by stating, “The worst part is that places, such as Planned Parenthood, do so much more than perform abortions; they educate and inform people about sex, give them free contraceptives, breast exams, and other tests.” This clearly justifies Ms. Karis’s argument on the fact that Texas’ Legislature should mind their own business and allow women to have control of their bodies. These clinics are extremely helpful to women in many ways!

As a mother of four children, I am neither for nor against abortion, but I strongly agree with Ms. Karis that Texas Legislature should grant women the freedom of choice! No one regardless of gender should be told what they can or cannot do with their body!

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